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Counseling Training Course

Chapel Pointe Launches ‘Family of Churches’ Initiative

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” –Ecclesiastes 4:12 God has placed a distinct call on Chapel Pointe to engage in Kingdom expansion. We have a God-sized vision to see 1,000 churches strengthened and 1,000,000 souls move from death to life […]

What is the Gospel?

The word “gospel” means good news. But what exactly is this good news? From creation to restoration, we explore the basic elements of the gospel story in this article. 1. Creation  In the beginning of time, God spoke the heavens, the earth, animals, plants, and everything we see today into existence. The Bible says everything […]

What does the Bible say about politics?

How do we approach politics with a biblical worldview? As a church, we desire to lead and care for people in our church and the communities we serve by encouraging people to follow Jesus in an ever-changing and polarized culture. Therefore, we want to speak with truth and grace, encouraging others to represent Christ in […]

What does it mean to have a Biblical Worldview?

Everyone has a worldview. Everyone has someone informing and directing their values and views on what is right and wrong. Your worldview is the framework from which you view reality and make sense of life. It is your approach to understanding who God is and how we can be in relationship with Him.  The tension […]

Kingdom Expansion in Holt: The Story of God’s Transformative Work

“As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). Jesus could not have been any clearer. Jesus’ disciples are recruited to participate in his mission. Transformed followers of Jesus multiply. This is why one of our core values at Chapel Pointe is to engage in kingdom expansion. It is our […]

Biblical Parenting: 3 Ways to Cultivate a Gospel-Centered Home

We’ve all been there. Your child does or says something and it hits you— they’re growing up too fast. How do you respond in the moment when that happens? I experience this often with my two girls. My immediate thought is usually something along the lines of, “Can you stay this little forever?” In truth, […]


What does it look like to live in biblical wisdom? The Book of Proverbs includes practical steps towards wisdom through short, memorable life principles. We invite you to join us as we open God’s Word and learn what it has to say about godly wisdom. We will be exploring various themes of life, including: Decision […]

An Overview on Spiritual Leadership

According to the Malphurs Group and other sources, 80-85% of churches in America are plateaued or declining. In addition, in many cases, the pace of culture is outpacing the growth of the church. Why is this happening? One of the answers is quite simple: a lack of spiritual leadership in our churches today. What is […]