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Navigating Politics

How do we approach politics with a biblical worldview? As a church, we want to equip you with resources to faithfully follow Jesus in an ever-changing and polarized culture.



How to Engage with Politics as a Christian

A framework for being a faithful witnesses in a politically charged season.

What does the Bible say about politics and government?

A guide for believers to approach politics with a biblical worldview.

Should Christians Vote for a Particular Candidate?

A guide for Christians to vote with a gospel-centered confidence.


Previous Sermons

In 2020, we walked through a sermon series titled “Speak” where we explored polarized and divisive topics. Watch this message from October 2020 as Pastor Joel outlines a biblical approach to politics.


Kingdom Prayers for Our Nation

In this season, we want to keep our eyes on the Kingdom of God above all else! We invite you to join us at one of our prayer gatherings, where we have the opportunity to pray the right way for our nation according to scripture.


Equipping FAQ

Many questions surround politics and the Bible. Here are a few common ones with answers from Chapel Pointe leadership.

As followers of Christ, what should be our attitude and our involvement with politics?

In every area of our lives we need to live under the lordship of Christ as citizens of His heavenly kingdom. We should seek the wisdom and guidance of biblical truth in determining the values and positions we should support. We should be informed on the issues of the day and engage by our vote and in ways that represent Christ in truth and grace. Our political engagement should reflect our influence as salt (deterrent to wickedness) and light (dispelling darkness).

Key Verses

Romans 14:11-12; Philippians 3:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Matthew 5:13-16

What does the Bible say about politics?

God created man to live under His authority and to have dominion over creation. God established human government after the flood of Noah to curb the violence and evil of unrestrained sin. Human government is appointed by God as an authority to punish crime and approve of what is good. It is also to protect citizens from domestic and international threats. Citizens are to be under authority except when commanded otherwise by God. We are to pay taxes and pray for those in government. Those who govern will be held ultimately accountable to God for ruling with justice and righteousness.

Key Verses

Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6; Psalm 8:4-6; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17; Acts 5:29; Daniel 3:14-18; 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Should Christians vote for a particular party or candidate?

We need to pray for God’s wisdom, be informed about the issues of the day, and seek biblical truth to make the best decision. Voting is a stewardship of our freedom and a way to have our voice heard in the public arena. Focusing not on the personality of the candidate but on their policies and qualifications should determine our vote. Most of the time you will not find a candidate that represents all of our values and contours of our biblical worldview. Because politics are downstream of culture, the stream can be muddy with swirling and competing perspectives. We vote for the candidate that represents the best option and comes closest to our values.

Key Verses

James 1:5-8; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 55:8-11; Romans 12:1-2

Why is there so much division in our country today?

Politics has often been a source of conflict in our culture from the beginning of our national history. Conflicting world views result in difficulty in finding shared values or agreements on public policy. The lack of honesty and truth by politicians, spins by news outlets, and distortions on social media create more division than unity. The anger, fear, pride, and sin of mankind cause people to villainize others and weaponize positions. The public debate becomes more about attacking a person or another point of view than respectfully disagreeing while presenting a constructive alternative. As believers in Christ, we need to represent Christ in His grace and truth, wisdom, and respect for others.

Key Verses

John 1:14; Ephesians 4:25-32; Proverbs 18:13; James 1:19-20; Galatians 5:22-23; Micah 6:8

How can I engage in politics without compromising my faith?

Christ demonstrated that both government and the church were ordained by God, each serving in a specific realm. The example of Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah show that it is possible to serve in government without compromise. We can also do so through our vote, influence, and involvement.  Because mankind is sinful, the need for a government with a balance of powers and accountability is essential. This was the reason the framers of our Constitution established the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The ideal government will not arrive until Jesus returns and sets up His righteous kingdom. Until then, we will vote for the candidate who will do the most good and the least harm.

Key Verses

Genesis 41; Nehemiah 1-3; Daniel 1-3, 6; Matthew 22:15-22; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:1-3; Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:1-16; Matthew 6:10, 33; Psalm1 46:3

Further questions? Connect with us.

Do you have further questions about the Bible and politics? We would love to connect with you. Please give us a call at 616-662-8801 or email us at [email protected].


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