Sara Danforth

We love when transformed followers of Jesus use their gifts to bring glory to God. Meet Sara Danforth. Sara creates works of art with just a magnifying glass, a pair of safety goggles, and the sun.

There is one piece in particular that is pretty significant to her because it weaves together her faith and her skill. The journey to finish what she started was not what she anticipated and took 135 hours over the course of several years.

“I had a large range of emotions while creating this large piece because I had a very long journey spiritually, emotionally, and physically. When I started, I was healthy and had a job that I loved!

I started it at a great place in my life, then I started having some physical problems that led to a major surgery. I had four more surgeries to follow over three years. When I started feeling better, I was drawn to finish with passion and faith.

I can’t do what I used to, but this piece was a huge part of my healing process. It brought me even closer to God with faith that He was leading me to finish it. There was a reignited passion for the Lord and art.

Knowing that the Lord has taken my sins away gives me the peace that one day I will be united with Him.”